Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Strawberry Mousse Cake

There are a lot of birthdays lately.  My husband and my sister's birthday are both in October.  Today I'll blog my sister's birthday cake.  She requested strawberry mousse cake for her birthday.  So I searched around and found a pretty attractive one online from Eupho Cafe.  The cake was delicious and it tasted even better the next day. 
Strawberry Mousse Cake
12 servings ~213 calories each
(recipe adapted from Eupho Cafe)
3 eggs, separated
100g sugar
1/5 tbsp of vanilla extract
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
20g cake flour
50g corn starch

1/2 cup milk
1 cup heavy cream
800g fresh strawberries
90g sugar
15g gelatin
1 tbsp of rum
2 yolks
2 tbsp lemon juice

1 tsp gelatin and 1 tbsp warm water, dissolved.

8" springform pan or mousse ring, 9" pan or mold (need to grease & flour to prevent from sticking), spatula, sieve, blender, brush.

1. Cake: separate egg whites and yolks. Beat yolks with 100g sugar until fluffy and the color turns pale, and then adds vanilla extract and mix well. Preheat oven at 300 F.
In a clean and grease-free mixing bowl, beat egg whites with cream of tartar using a mixer until it can form a soft peak. Add in the yolk mixture and combine gently. Sift cake flour and corn starch together into the mixture, slightly combine until incorporated and relatively lump-free, and then pour the batter into the 9" pan; bake for about 35-40 minutes. Remove from oven, let cool, cut it to the size of 8" and then level into 2 slices.


2. Mousse: remove stems and rinse strawberries. Blend 400g of strawberries into puree, cut 200g strawberries in halves, and slice the rest 200g for decorating. Dissolve gelatin with milk, then heat the milk until gelatin is clear and totally dissolved. Add sugar to the gelatin mixture, then add in two blended egg yolks, lemon juice, and rum. Whip heavy cream till thick (still looks like liquid, but much thicker), and then pour the strawberry puree and gelatin mixture into the whipped cream. Mix well.

3. Remove the bottom of the springform pan (or just use a mousse ring), put the ring on a plate or a cake circle. Line the bottom with a layer of cake, arrange strawberry halves on the side, pour in the mousse, cover with another layer of cake, press the top a little bit to make sure there is no bubbles inside. Decorate the top with strawberries, glaze strawberries with a soft brush, then transfer to refrigerator to chill at least 3 hours.
4. If it's difficult to remove the ring, use hot towels to surround the mousse ring to soften the mousse till it can be easily removed from cake.


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